The Wilson Tobs are happy to announce the return of coach Ted Bergquist to the team for 2025, but in a slightly different role than fans will remember in 2024. “Teddy” was the brigadier general for the Tobs hurlers last summer as pitching coach, where he left his mark on the team, on Wilson, and on the CPL. He consistently showed his passion for the game as well as the grit and determination required to lead a group of ballplayers through the grind of a season, which is exactly why the Tobs will be handing him the keys in 2025. As head coach, Bergquist will be the new sheriff in town come May 25th, armed with a fungo as his six shooter, ready to lay down the law in the CPL.

The Tobs recently had a chance to sit down with Coach Bergquist to chat about his promotion and a little about Tobs Baseball:

Interviewer: Coach, we are looking forward to your return to the home dugout at Fleming in 2025! What are you most looking forward to in your return to Wilson?

Coach: Definitely the relationships built over the course of a season, seeing players come in as complete strangers and leave as brothers; the family culture of the Tobs makes for lasting friendships. I am also looking forward to many bus rides home after a Tobs WIN! It may not seem like much, but a bus full of a winning team creates some of the best memories there are.

Interviewer: Speaking of memories, what is your favorite memory from last year’s team?

Coach: (Coach quietly laughed before he answered this one) Reese Miller, one of the CPL’s best arms who was our number 1 last season, asked us for weeks to get an at bat. Finally we gave in, he promptly stripped a double into the left field gap and we all had a good laugh.

Interviewer: Reese was definitely one of a kind. Now, we actually have a unique question for you, coach. If you could watch a Tobs game from the stands, where would you be sitting and what would your food order be?

Coach: High up in the bleachers right behind home plate just below the pressbox. I would have a Fleming hot dog in one hand, Pepsi in the other and a bag of popcorn on deck!

Interviewer: My only addition may be a bag of peanuts but that is a classic baseball answer for sure. Since we are on the topic of food, where was your favorite place to grab a bite in Wilson last summer?

Coach: I would have to say Buffalo Wild Wings, you cannot go wrong with wings! They also had pretty good lunch specials that I am most definitely going to take advantage of upon my return to Eastern North Carolina.

Interviewer: Wings & Sports, one of the best combos. Okay lets get back to a couple questions about the game. You were a long time umpire before you got into coaching, how does this change your perspective or help you as a coach now?

Coach: I believe it gives me an advantage. Knowing the rules of the game completely down to the smallest technicality is definitely a big help as well as knowing the umpire rotations and what is expected of them. That being said, I also know how difficult it is to be an umpire so that also helps at certain times.

Interviewer: I’m sure that you see umpires as more “human” than someone who has never been one! Sticking with the rules conversation, what are your feelings on the pitch clock?

Coach: It has worked for pace of play, I am all for it. Keep the game moving, it is hard to enjoy a 5 hour baseball game!

Interviewer: I agree, alright moving on, just a couple more questions. This one is more of a confirmation of rumors that have been circling. We heard that the Berquist family accepted a new member after last season? We also heard that the new member was named after the Tobs mascot Slugger!

Coach: Yes the rumors are true! During a game in 2024, I saw Slugger at the ballpark with the Maggie Society and told my wife. The same day during batting practice I got a text from my wife, “I want Slugger”. Well, needless to say the rest was history, who was I to tell her no? Slugger is spoiled, loved and full of character.

Interviewer: That’s awesome! You’ll have to bring Slugger out to play with our resident ballpark dog Hazel this summer! Anyway, I have one last question for you coach, are you ready to PUMP IT UP in summer ‘25!?

Coach: Our Tobs Fans make it easy to Pump It Up with all of them behind us, best fans in the league, and I am absolutely ready! Our goal, no no, our mission in 2025 is to bring home the first Petitt Cup to Wilson and I can’t wait to get to work.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time coach, we will see you in a few months!

It can definitely be noted that coach Bergquist means business and is ready to hit the ground running this season. Now as the commanding general, the bad boys of summer are sure to rally behind this solid skipper.

Wilson Times Article on Coach Bergquist
Coach Bergquist Wilson Tobs Bio